Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Clean and simple

We spend a lot of time doing laundry so I think this space should be enjoyable.

The whole point of doing laundry is to clean our garments so I think the space should also be clean and simple.  What is your style?


  1. Thanks for doing this! We are building a house (please check out my new blog where I talk a lot about it- www.theenchantedhomeblogspot.com

    and I have started thinking a lot about the laundry room where I spend a lot of time, and by choice isn't that weird!
    So....really into how I want to finish it, love the first one..so clean and fresh looking, just the way laundry should be!

  2. oops..made a mistake, (told you I am new to this)


  3. I am so with you! love these. Ours is cramped and always trying to figure out how to make it more functional.
